Class Descriptions

Classes are designed to meet your needs. Whether you come to your mat for a workout, to build strength and flexibility, or to relax and find peace, I am committed to offering classes that meet your yoga goals and needs.

Class Descriptions


Yoga Basics

This class is great for brand new beginners as well as students interested in deepening their understanding of yoga. Students practice the foundations of yoga including proper alignment, various breathing techniques, level 1-2 yoga poses, light Sanskrit, and guided relaxation. You will build on your yoga practice from week to week, all while improving awareness, strength, stamina, balance, and flexibility.


Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga is one of the most gentle forms of yoga. Students perform postures and breathing exercises using the support of a chair. This class is perfect for students recovering from injury or illness, and anyone who wants to experience the many benefits of yoga without having to get up and down from the floor. Benefits include increased strength, mobility, balance, and flexibility, along with improved circulation and cognition. No prior yoga experience necessary.

Mindful Flow

Mindful Flow is a Vinyasa style yoga class that is gentle and fluid in nature. Students begin class with a centering meditation then ease into mindful movement paired with breath. A thoughtful sequence of poses ensures a well rounded experienced for body and mind. A ten minute Savasana (final relaxation) is offered at the end of class to relax the Central Nervous System and leave you feeling your best.


Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga provides students with a delicious way to relax and release. The goal of a Restorative Yoga is to relax the Central Nervous System, letting go of the fight vs. flight mode, and inviting in rest and digest. Yoga props like bolsters, blankets, and foam blocks are used to lift the floor to support the body. Most postures are done on the mat and held for 5-10 minutes. A thoughtful and traditional Restorative Yoga sequence ensures students achieve complete relaxation by the end of the session. This self-care class will leave you feeling completely nurtured and renewed.

Mixed Level Flow

This class will take students through a thoughtful sequence of poses that move with ujjayi breath. Sun salutations are used to warm the body and calm the mind. This compassionately vigorous class combines dynamic movements and steady holds to strengthen and build resilience. Modifications are provided so that students of all levels can personalizing their experience on the mat. Some yoga experience is helpful.


Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga class offers tremendous benefits for body, mind, and soul. Yin is a passive style of yoga that beautifully complements our active (yang) Vinyasa practice and busy lifestyle. The focus is to relax the muscles and release the body’s system of connective tissue. Poses are held between 3 -5 minutes and props are often used for support. The time spent in Yin Yoga is much like time spent in meditation.