Our Community.

Here’s what people are saying about Yoga with Kendi.

  • “Our yoga community is very warm and welcoming. Everyone brings a very positive vibe and health conscious energy. If you are looking for a vibrant and welcoming yoga community, look no further.”

    — Meagan B.

  • “Kendi is such an incredible yoga instructor. She has the most calming, nurturing presence and as a result, I always leave her class feeling extremely relaxed and calm. She challenges her students and invites us to be playful.”

    — Karen M.

  • “The space at the yoga barn is the best of all the studios we have attended over the years. The beautiful country views out the large windows are wonderful. It is free of distractions with plenty of room to empty yourself into.”

    — Carolyn D.

  • Kendi’s calm, renewing classes are the perfect way to balance my week. She offers options for all levels bringing compassion and care to help students feel comfortable yet challenged. She is very thoughtful in designing each class. You'll leave each class feeling refreshed and with the biggest smile!!

    -Brianna G.


“It’s not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that matters.”

— Mother Teresa