Fall Retreat October 8/9

Satsang, Hiking, and Yoga Retreat to Balance

Rooted in yoga, hiking, and meditation, this “staycation” style yoga retreat is designed to guide you toward regaining mental, physical, and emotional balance. You will begin your experience, with a Satsang gathering Friday October 8, at 7:00pm. Satsang, in the yoga tradition, is an inclusive community gathering to explore truth via, spiritual reflection, discussion, music, meditation or teaching. Following the Satsang we will enjoy fellowship and each other’s company while sharing fresh fruit, chai tea and light nibbles.

Saturday morning we will meet at ChesLen Preserve at 9:00am for a hike and walking meditation, followed by time on your mat to breathe, reflect, and take in the beauty of the surroundings. Back at the studio, we will gather for mid-morning yoga practice, a light lunch followed by quiet contemplation and guided journaling experience. We will finish our time together with a 30 min Yoga with Kendi Q & A Workshop and Restorative yoga practice.


Peace Like a River